Curo recognises the importance of conducting business in a socially responsible manner.

This is demonstrated in the way we deal with our employees and talent community, as well as customers and the wider population.

We consider that responsible recruitment is an integral element of good business management.

The relationship we have with our customers is based on honesty and transparency. The client testimonials we receive and our high rate of repeat business prove this an ethos that works, and our contractor testimonials demonstrate the care we take with our freelance community.

But we also interact with the wider community, and our primary charity is Spreading Smiles. It’s a children’s charity based in India. Please visit to view some of their tremendous work.

Health and Safety Policy Statement

Curo believes the proactive management of health & safety is an integral part of its obligation to staff, consultants, clients, suppliers and others. We want to ensure working lives are healthy, safe and enjoyable.

We recognise our responsibility for ensuring the health, safety and welfare at work of our employees, and others who may be affected by our activities, as detailed in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and similar legislation.

The objectives of our Health & Safety Policy are zero accidents and zero work-related ill health. This will be achieved by applying current best practice in health & safety management. Compliance with current health & safety legislation is therefore regarded as the absolute minimum standard acceptable.

You can read our Health and Safety Policy Statement here.

Equal Opportunities Policy Statement

Curo aims to ensure all of its employees and job applicants are treated equally irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability or age, etc.

Curo abides by the Equality Act 2010. All employees have a duty not to discriminate against members of the public, fellow employees, our clients or our consultants.

The objectives of our Diversity & Inclusion Policy are:

  • To be an equal opportunities employer in all respects;
  • Not to unlawfully discriminate; and
  • To ensure employees and managers understand their rights and responsibilities.

Objectives will be achieved by applying current best practice in equal opportunities management. Compliance with current equal opportunities legislation is therefore regarded as the absolute minimum standard acceptable.

You can read our Equal Opportunities Policy Statement here.

Modern Anti-Slavery Policy Statement

Curo is committed to helping eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking. The exploitation of workers is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.

We operate as an ethical business, and while the Modern Slavery Act 2015 does not require Curo to publish an anti-slavery policy, we have decided to work with our clients and suppliers to create this policy. It is aligned with our core values of integrity, care and respect.

The objectives of our Modern Anti-Slavery Policy are:

  • To inform employees, contractors and consultants about the exploitation of workers;
  • To ensure modern slavery or human trafficking does not exist in our supply chain, and
  • To support our clients in meeting their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act.

Objectives will be achieved by applying current best practice in human resourcing.

You can read our Modern Anti-Slavery Policy Statement here.

Industry Responsibility

Our Directors are innovators and thought-leaders, proud to work in the talent solutions and services industry. It’s an industry that contributes billions of pounds to the UK economy and we strive to ensure we act with integrity, care and respect.

We are members of The Recruitment & Employment Confederation and comply with all of the requirements detailed in the Employment Agencies Act 1973 and Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003.

Bribery & Anti-corruption Policy

Curo complies with the Bribery Act 2010. One of our core values is integrity, so we are committed to responsible and fair business practices.

Our reputation for maintaining lawful business practices is of paramount importance. Curo,
therefore, has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption.

You can read our Bribery & Anti-corruption Policy Statement here.

Curo accepts responsibility for the harmful effects its operations can have on both the local and global environment. We are committed to reducing them.

Curo is a virtual business, all our staff work from home. This reduces the need for employees to travel to a central office, thus eliminating the greenhouse gases produced by transport (82% of greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, much of which comes from vehicles).

Our homes are more energy-efficient than ever before, and research from the UK government reports that households showed the second greatest improvement in energy efficiency recently (Dept. Energy & Climate Change, 2015).

As part of our staff induction, we give energy saving advice for homes which is provided by the Energy Saving Trust. We also encourage staff to recycle as much of their waste as possible and limit the use of printing at home.

You can read our Environmental Policy Statement here.

Data Protection Policy

We apply our core values of integrity, care and respect to the way we process data. Curo takes care to ensure data is accurate, we respect that much of the data we handle is confidential, and our integrity ensures we comply with all data legislation. You can read our Data Protection Policy here.

Data Responsibility

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO Reg no. Z3549955) and aware of the powers of the Employment Agency Standards (EAS) inspectors. In addition, we comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) and have reviewed our data processes to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).